Adopting one child won't change the world, but for that child the world will change
Today was a big day! I knew Sarah was going in for her OB visit this morning. She text me the other day and informed us! We also had an interview scheduled with our pediatrician.
I was shopping at Hobby Lobby today...about 11:15 a.m. and I thought I would text Sarah to see how her appointment went. I had been thinking about it all morning, but I didn't want to seem to eager and I sure didn't want her to think that is all I cared about. I started out by telling her it snowed here, and then I asked her how her appointment went. She informed me that the "walk-in" clinic she went to early this morning only takes the first 5 patients and she was the 6th one. My heart sunk a little! Now, I know from having my own OB appointments, that these normal appointments aren't that informative. They measure, listen to the heartbeat, and answer any questions. Questions I would ask, but was sure she wouldn't ask. But to have her go to that appointment would prove to us that she is trying to be responsible and taking care of our baby. She said she would try again Monday. I, again, am experiencing something I have never experienced. What pregnant person DOESN'T have a regular doctor with regular appointments? Why isn't this as important to her as it is to me? Is she hiding something that will devastate us later? But, then again, if she was having the same feelings as us, I would not be writing this blog. And once again, the harsh reality that I am not in control. This young woman was holding our parental destiny in her hands. Let's hope she is one of the first 5 patients on Monday.
Now, for those of you who know me, know that I LOVE my kids' pediatrician and his office. So, it wasn't even a discussion as to where we would take the baby. Greg has heard me talk of Dr. Brad and was excited to meet him. So, I gathered up my newly organized binder (I clearly have too much time on my hands or a little OCD) and we headed to the pediatricians office for our "new baby" interview. I interviewed him when I moved to Lincoln and was pregnant with Taylen and we have been going to the same pediatrician for 15 years, so I knew how they do things. but, I wanted to interview him again for two reasons: 1) I wanted Greg to meet him; 2) I had a ton of questions! Mom takes advil, is that ok? Mom says she has smoked, is that ok? We are going to be living in a hotel for a few days/weeks, at what point should I take the baby in for a check? When should we schedule his appointment when we get back? What formula should we use? Can we fly back with the baby or should we drive?
Dr. Brad gave us a book - Birth to Age 5. Greg was excited...his new nightly reading, he informed me! He spent an hour and twenty minutes with us after his office was closed, and explained everything to us. He looked through the medical records and thought everything looked great. Of course, the more records we have, the better, but we will take what we can get! At the end of the conversation, he said, "You call anytime you want, even if you are in Cincinnati and I will call you back. And the minute you get back, I want to look over the baby, so we will get you in anytime!" Greg was very impressed with him and I had a little less anxiety.
After reading through the records, he couldn't pinpoint a due date....or a gender! This could get interesting!
Ooo, we need to buy a turkey...we are hosting Thanksgiving in a few days...boy did that sneak up on us!