Saturday, November 16, 2013

Worse than a job interview

Even miracles take a little time.
 I was so excited to receive the packet of paperwork and information from the adoption agency.  It was delivered UPS 2nd Day Air and I felt like it was Christmas.  I opened it up and in it was what seemed like a ream of paper...all to be filled out by us.  I immediately ran and showed Greg!  This is it...we are getting a child....after ALL this paperwork gets filled out!  That was October 7, 2013!
So, this is where Greg and I differ!  He wants to look through each piece of paper and methodically think it out...I want to dive right in and get it done.  And so, on October 8, 2013, I was faxing in our finished paperwork. 
The agency replied back in a timely manner and our first official telephone meeting was scheduled.  October 11, 2013 at 11:00 a.m.  For me, the three days between the paperwork getting turned in and our first telephone call were torture!  Little did I know what we had in store for us. 
Greg and I positioned ourselves at our kitchen bar and waited for the phone to ring and promptly at 11:00 a.m., it did.  This meeting was with Kay.  She was our "Adoption Specialist" who would review our paperwork and tell us what the agency could do for us.  She went over our requirements in a birth mom....of course, every family wants a healthy baby, we were lucky enough to get to chose this.  We also chose that we did not care on gender or ethnicity!  She did warn us that because we just opened ourselves up to any ethnicity, that it MAY move quick.  After this phone call, there would be another phone call the next day with Wendy, an attorney at this agency.  Wendy also reiterated that the process MAY move quickly since we weren't picky on ethnicity or gender.  In my mind, I heard that we should be getting a call tomorrow about having a baby and in Greg's realistic mind, he heard it could be up to 1 year before we get "the call".
Greg and I both had such a great vibe after both phone calls and knew this was a huge leap of faith, but we decided we wanted to work with this agency! They seemed very helpful and knowledgeable and so nice! We spoke to Tre' and Taylen about our decision on this agency and they were so excited!  So on October 14, 2013, we were officially signed on and became a  "waiting family".

The next call would be from the agencies "Media Department" to help us with our profile.  This was strange to me....This is where a birth mother picks us!
And let the Home Study process begin.....

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