Thursday, August 14, 2014

3 months

And then my soul saw you and it kind of went "Oh, there you are.  I've been looking for you."
Another month flew by and I still can't believe our little morsel is ours!  He is such a joy and a big boy! 
We have had a busy month!  Aunt Jenny came to see us and then us girls and kids went and spent 5 days with my mom and Rick in Iowa!  We had such a great time!  Lots of laughs! 
Upon our return, Taylen got sick and so we have been trying to heal him!  I took both boys to the Dr. (because I'm paranoid!) and Taylen got meds and Kyson got a clean bill of health!  All 12 lbs 12 oz of him!
Taylen started his first day of his sophomore year and Kyson started daycare on Aug. 12.  Still tears from mom!  And Tre' has officially moved to Florida!  It's official because now he has a car there....thanks to a transporter!

All in all, we are doing well and getting adjusted to this new, wonderful life!  Kyson is a joyful addition to our family....even the dogs love him!

 Kyson and I are heading to McCook this weekend.  My dear friend lost her sweet, sweet mother to cancer!  Have I told you yet how much I hate cancer and what it does to families???? Please pray for her and her family as they TRY to move on and cope without her!


Sunday, July 13, 2014

2 months old!

We didn't give you the gift of life, life gave us the gift of you!
Yesterday Kyson turned 2 months old!  We can't believe it!  He is changing right before our very eyes.  And, I must say, he is probably one of the 3 cutest babies I've ever seen! (Remember, we have three boys in our house!)  :-)

Kyson had his first 4th of July!  He was quite the trooper and slept right through everything!  Grammy and Grandpa Fought came over and we had dinner and fireworks!  On the 5th of July, Greg's lifelong friend, Brad and his wife, Heather and little Benjamin came to spend the rest of the weekend with us.  Of course, the guys reminisced until the wee hours of the night (or should I say morning?) and us girls and kids crashed early! 

Brad, Benjamin, Greg and Kyson
Sleeping through fireworks!

Taylen is still knee deep in baseball.  This last week he had 9 games and we are looking forward to state baseball this coming weekend!  And I am looking forward to being done scrubbing uniforms!   Tre' is still having the time of his life at Disney and making friends with the characters! (Like Princess Anna and Queen Elsa from Frozen!)



Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

However Fatherhood comes to you, it's a miracle!
We are still in awe over our littlest boy!  He is such a joy and such a happy baby!!  Well, most of the day!  He does have a "crabby time" as we call it and cries when he is put down sometimes, but, hey, he's a baby and gets held! 
I can not believe he will be 5 weeks old tomorrow!  I have even had to start a pile of "out grown" clothes!  Which makes me sad! It is just amazing to us how big he has gotten in such a short amount of time!
May 15 and June 15
We are slowly getting into a routine.  He basically only wakes up one time a night...thank goodness daddy is a scheduler! 
We have been keeping busy with Taylen's baseball games and just keeping up on laundry...between tiny little clothes and dirty baseball uniforms, I feel like I am always spot treating something!
At brother's game!
Greg and I are having our first night without Kyson this coming weekend.  We have been invited to the Chicago Cubs game and we will be dropping Kyson off with my mom and Ashlin!  They are excited and we are excited to sleep a full 8 hours!  Although I'm am sure we will miss him terribly!  While we are there, Taylen has a tournament in Sioux Falls, SD and Tre' will be "auditioning" for a character at Disney World!  We are so excited for both of them!
I just wanted to thank Greg for being such an awesome daddy!  This is obviously something he was born to do!  Happy Father's Day!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

2 weeks old

We didn't give you the gift of life, life gave us the gift of you.
A quick update to let you now how we are doing! 
Kyson is great!  Actually, life is pretty great right now!  And we are not even bothered that we aren't getting any sleep! (wink)  He had his 2 week appointment today!  He has grown 1/2" and now weighs 8.8lbs!  And I was worried he wasn't gaining any weight!
Tre' flew home to meet his new brother!  It was so great to have ALL my boys home together! 
Kyson has already met so many of his family!  Cousin Ashlin has been here all week helping this tired mommy and daddy out.  Of course, he has met Grandma and Grandpa Fought and Aunt Catherine!  He was able to meet Meemo and Rick (pictures to come!). 

We've had a pretty blessed 2 weeks so far!

Friday, May 16, 2014

He's OURS!!!!!!

He is mine in a way he will never be hers, yet he is hers in a way he will never be mine.  And so together, we are motherhood.
Our Baby Boy is HOME!!!!
We are pleased to share with you our son
Kyson Allen Fought
Born May 12, 2014
Forever ours May 15, 2014
7 lbs 12 oz
20 1/2 inches

To the woman to who gave us the greatest gift of all:
    You didn't have to be strong and find him another home.  You didn't have to seek out someone for him to call "mom and dad".  To be honest, you didn't have to have him at all.  But you did.  It is because you did that we hold the most precious and perfect being!  It is because of you that Greg will get to celebrate his first father's day.  It is because of you that Bob and Beth have their 1st grandchild and it is because of you that my mom and Rick have another grandchild!
   It occurred to me that during one of the most trying times in your life you had the ability to think of Kyson rather than yourself.  You fought to insure he'd be loved and cared for and to me that showed the epitome of strength.
   We want you to know that he is loved beyond anything imaginable. 
   If you are ever down, we need you to know that you made a beautifully selfless decision. We want you to know that Kyson will never grow up not knowing he once came from somewhere else but he had a mom that loved him enough to let him go. 
  We promise to take care of the little boy you trusted us to love.  We could never repay you, but we need to thank you.  You are our hero.
Love you more than you know,
Greg and Jami

Monday, May 5, 2014

I have followers! does not make things easy, it makes things possible!
Let me just start out by saying I'm impressed I actually have people that follow my blog!  (Besides the people that HAVE to...Greg, Tre', Ashlin, my mom....).  I started writing this blog as kind of a "therapy" for myself, to get things out and off my chest and to have our journey documented.  I never imagined I would have so many people that cared about our journey enough to follow my blog and try to read what I write...even though it doesn't make sense half the time!  In the last 2 days, 5 different people have asked me why I haven't updated my blog!  So, thank you for following it and I am sorry I haven't updated in almost a month!  (I will try to do better!)
With that being said, no news is good news, right!?
As my friend Maridee said today, "Can you believe in the next 7 days you will have gone to Disney World and possibly have a baby?"  Yep, that is how we operate!  If you remember, in January, we planned a trip to Disney World to vacation with the kids on May 8-11.  We are still planning on going on vacation and leaving on Thursday.  We will fly down to Florida early Thursday morning and we get back about supper time on Sunday!  We are so excited to spend time with Tre' and Taylen can't wait to see him as they haven't seen each other since Tre' left in January.
This adoption is significantly different than the previous.  There is very little communication and the birth mom's mom (let's call her grandma) is really pushing for this adoption.  Up until this week, I really haven't let myself think much about it....which could explain the lack of blog post!  Now that we are 7 days from birth and we are going to be gone 4 of those days, I am starting to think of all these questions and needing to have some sort of plan. 
Monday, May 12th, is baby day!  She is scheduled for a c-section that day.  With that being said, we are unsure when we will get to meet the baby.  Nebraska laws don't allow her to sign her rights away anytime before 48 hours.  With it being a c-section, it may be longer.  Also under Nebraska law, the birth mom can't be on any pain medications when she signs.  So, we may know more Wednesday or Thursday of next week.
Now, my feelings are this.....I don't have great feelings about it!  "Grandma" is very much "for" this adoption and so I am not sure if this is birth mom's idea or "Grandmas".  Only time will tell, I guess.  Again, Maridee says I need a better, more positive attitude....she may be right! :-)
So, we are off to Disney and hopefully off to the hospital all within the next 7 days!  Stay tuned....

Sunday, April 6, 2014

And we are back...

The hardest thing about "everything happens for a reason" is waiting for the reason to come along

First of all let me make this disclaimer:  You should never write a blog post when you are not in a good head space!  I have just re-read my last blog post and I am apologizing!  The grammar is terrible and it really doesn't even make sense!  Thank you all who didn't point that out.....and thank you all who understood what I was trying to say! 

It has now been 10 days since we said good-bye to a baby we never met.  Aysoni did text me and was very apologetic.  She also told me she named him Dylan and he weighed 7lbs 8oz.  We just pray they are all doing well.

Greg returned from Florida on March 29th and I returned April 1st.  We made the best of a bad situation and, of course, visited Tre' and went to Disney World.  It was awesome getting through the entire park in 2 hours!  The perks of having our own personal tour guide!  My feet hurt so bad!  We had a wonderful time and I had such a relaxing time hanging out with him for the next few days after Greg left.  My sister came to Orlando and us three sat by the pool and talked and laughed!  Just what the Dr. ordered!!!

Back on the adoption note, we are still on track with the May baby.  Nothing new has happened with that, but I have talked with the birth mom and she is doing well and still wanting to go through with everything! But, we all know not to get our hopes up.  The birth mom works for a CPA and is extremely busy until April 15th!  She did tell me that the birth father would like to meet us...and we are excited for that!  She seems very smart and words everything very well! I'm very impressed with her.  I am letting her contact me when she wants.  She is anxious to find out the gender...not for her sake, but for ours.  We would love to know the gender, but if we find out on May 12th, that is fine also!  We returned all the clothes for several reasons.  So, when and if the time comes that we are to be parents to another child, we will re-buy everything!   

Until then, we will continue with work, kids' activities and planning another trip to Disney!  We are super excited and ready to close one chapter and start another!